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Community Links


All Saints Church

We have established strong links with All Saints church, Darfield. Reverend Fiona is a member of our governing body and visits school regularly to deliver collective worship, attend meetings and work with pupils and parents. We also welcome a group from All Saints church regularly to deliver ‘Open the Book’ as part of our collective worship. In addition to welcoming members of the church community into school, staff, pupils and parents visit church at least four times a year for whole school church services- Harvest, Christmas, Easter and Y6 Leavers. Pupils also visit the church to enrich parts of our RE curriculum. We work together to organise events such as Christingle workshops with parents and tree planting in the church yard.

About Us | Darfield All Saints ( Use this link to access the weekly church newsletter. The newsletter will inform you of many church and community based events happening in the local area, for example warm spaces and Messy church.

SmAll Saints Parent and Toddler Playgroup meet every Thursday morning from 9-10:30am through term time.

There are a wide range of stimulating activities for the children. We provide a cold drink and toast for the children and a hot drink for the adults. There is a small charge of 50p per adult and 50p per child to cover the cost of the snacks and drinks.

Come along, we’d love to meet you!

For more information, please contact Mrs Michelle Wilkinson (Parent Support Advisor) by either calling school on 01226 752293 or email 


Thornhill House Care Home

Over the years, we have developed strong links with the local care home. The pupils regularly visit the home and support events. Recent events have included:

  • Reading to the residents
  • Decorating the Christmas trees
  • Gardening
  • Carol singing to the residents
  • Watching the KS1 Christmas production (dress rehearsal)

Over the Christmas period, we engage in the ‘Adopt a Grandparent’ project to ensure all residents have a Christmas present to open on Christmas morning. 


Morris Dobson Museum

We have engaged with and supported our local museum in Darfield. Pupils have visited the museum to support their learning and also pupils have been invited to sing at the museum at Christmas.