What do we want our children to learn?
We will deliver a science curriculum that:
- has working scientifically at the heart of it, so that children have opportunities to develop practical enquiry skills to engage with the world in a scientific way and make sense of what they are learning about living things, the environment, materials and physical processes
- provides a range of hands-on experiences to promote engagement and presents opportunities for the discussion and questioning which develop understanding
- develops key scientific skills, including observing, predicting, problem solving, decision making, communication and critical thinking
- provides opportunities for different types of enquiry, such as pattern seeking, observing over time, classifying and grouping, comparative and fair testing and research using secondary sources
- builds upon prior knowledge to ensure all children have a secure understanding and knowledge of key scientific concepts
- develops curiosity, so that children ask questions about the world around them and have the desire to explore and investigate
At All Saints Academy, we have designed our science curriculum with the intention that our children will develop an in-depth understanding of the world around them and an understanding of how major scientific ideas have played a vital role in society. We intend to prepare our children for life in an increasingly scientific and technological world.
What does science teaching and learning look like at ASA?
The science curriculum at All Saints Academy is based upon the National Curriculum (2014) and the Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework (2021). Within EYFS the Specific Area of “Understanding the World” contains the Science objectives to be covered. Children are taught scientific knowledge and vocabulary and scientific enquiry skills appropriate to their developmental age.
Each year group has a science sequencing document which has been developed to ensure clear and logical progression of knowledge, vocabulary and working scientifically skills from EYFS to Year Six. Key scientists in a range of fields have also been identified for each year group (e.g. Charles Darwin, Marie Curie, David Attenborough). Exploration is vital within the Science curriculum. As a result, practical experiences are planned in wherever possible.
We are acutely aware that Science education does not end in Year 6. As a result, our curriculum is designed with the ultimate aim of ensuring that all children have the foundations necessary to expand their knowledge in Secondary School.
What is the impact of our science curriculum
Children will...
- become resilient, independent and curious scientists who ask questions and find things out for themselves
- be able to communicate their ideas and findings using appropriate scientific terminology
- have an awareness of the full range of scientific careers and pathways available to them and will be keen to pursue STEM subjects at secondary school
We measure the impact of our curriculum through these methods:
- Assessing children’s understanding of topic linked vocabulary before and after the unit is taught
- Reviewing work in books.
- Summative assessment of pupil via discussions about their learning.
- Images and videos of the children’s practical learning.
- Interviewing the pupils about their learning (pupil voice).
- Annual reporting of standards across the curriculum to parents.
- The science subject leader will continually monitor the impact science teaching is having on the children’s learning, to ensure the progress of knowledge and skills is being taught in accordance with our science sequencing document.
We share some of our learning on our Twitter feed #ASAscientists
Key documents/links
Progression in Science
- National curriculum for Science (KS1 & KS2)
Science programmes of study: key stages 1 and 2 (publishing.service.gov.uk)
- Development Matters (Non-statutory curriculum guidance for EYFS): For Science related content go to Section 9, p99- ‘Understanding the World’)
Development Matters - Non-statutory curriculum guidance for the early years foundation stage (publishing.service.gov.uk)
- Science curriculum overview (All Saints Academy)
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